Saturday, December 22, 2018

Resol Residosi: the Our Father in Solresol

I had been searching about looking for a translation of the Our Father into Solresol. I found it at the Searching for Sudre blog. There are notes there about the translation. It was made from the modern French version of the Our Father. Which is OK since we probably don't have any good Koine Greek scholars who know Solresol and could translate from the original.

1. Resol REsidosi, mire faremi FA SIlalla*
2. Mire remi REsisolre faremi sisi dosolsi
3. Mire remi SIremila dosolfala
4. Mire remi FAsifa faremi sisi fasolla
5. Mimiresi la DOdore mimiremi FA SIlala*
6. Solsol remila fa dorre lare resol DOlafala doREmi
7. Solsol sollami fa dorre resol MIresiffa
8. Mimiremi dorre sollami midosolsol fa fammi mire dodo miresifa dorre
9. Re do solsol misimisol dorre fa la DOsolmimi
10. Mimidore solsol dolasolsol dorre lasi solmi

I asked about this translation at the Solresol group on Facebook

Shido Morozof said:
This translation is good. Capitalization has two meanings: 1) mark of note accent for new part of speech; 2) mark of doubling for note. Example of 1st use: REsidosi (father, 1st verse). Accent on 1 syllable means, that this word is noun (and not adjective "father's", "paternal", like resiDOsi). However the correct variant is another (reSIdosi), because: rêsidosi – paternity, fatherhood (abstract noun) resîdosi – father (noun for person) residôsi – father's (adjective) residosî – fatherly, likewise father (adverb) (Solresolists of XIXth century used diacritics, not capitalization for accentuation.)

And it is easy to imagine verb without accentuation of syllables, residosi (to be a father). In classical Solresol anyone can write DO instead of dodo (Past Tense), SOL instead of solsol (imperative), but this translation does not demonstrate such usage. And capitalized "FA" in this text is used instead of English "on". Such usage is disputable, so translator marked doubts by capitalization.

So, a very educational reply! I am posting it so more folks can benefit, and also so I can more easily find it myself.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Solresol in Numbers - Lesson 4

Solresol words consist of the 7 syllables of the do-re-mi— the syllables many people are taught to use to sing musical notes. Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do. In normal spoken or written Solresol, we use these syllables. As in ‘faresimi’ or ‘sifafa.’ 

We can also use Solresol by replacing the 7 syllables of the do-re-mi with colors, numbers, musical notes, hand signs or symbols. This lesson is concerned with the use of numbers, and giving practice in using number Solresol.

Here are some of our beginner words in normal Solresol and number Solresol.

faresimi = 4273
doredosolmi = 12153
la = 6
re = 2

6 4273. 6 12153.
6 4273 2 6 12153.

La faresimi. La doredosolmi.
La faresimi re la doredosolmi.

simi = 73
sifafa = 744
simimi = 733

73, 4273! 73, 12153!
73, 744! 73, 733!

Simi, faresimi! Simi, doredosolmi!
Simi, sifafa! Simi, simimi!

Exercise: Practice writing all the Solresol words you know in Number Solresol. Say the appropriate syllable— do, re, mi— as you write the corresponding number.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Sifafa Laremisol - Lesson 3

La sifafa.
La sifafa

La simimi.

La simimi


La sifafa faremi laremisol.
Mila la sifafa laremisol!

La simimi faremi laremila.
Mila la simimi laremila!

La faresimi faremi laremisol.
La doredosolmi faremi laremila.
Mila la faresimi laremisol!
Mila la doredosolmi laremila!

Solresol = English = Esperanto = Deutsch
sifafa = sun = suno = Sunne
faremi = is, are, to be = estas = ist, sein
laremisol = yellow = flava = gelb
simimi = moon = luno = Mond
laremila = blue, azure = bluo = blau

Monday, December 10, 2018

Mila! Lesson 2


La faresimi. La doredosolmi. 
La doredosolmi. La faresimi. 

Mila la faresimi. 
Simi, faresimi! 

Mila la doredosolmi. 
Simi, doredosolmi! 

La faresimi solsido. 
La doredosolmi solsido. 
La faresimi re la doredosolmi solsido.


Read the sentences above. The definitions in English, Esperanto and German are given below. Practice reading--- and perhaps copying--- the text until you can remember all the words. Also--- when you are petting the family faresimi or you are setting a trap for the doredosolmi you saw yesterday, think of the Solresol words.

Solresol = English = Esperanto = Deutsch 

la = the = la = der, die, das
mila = behold, voila, here is = jen = Hier ist/sind
simi = hello, good morning, good afternoon = saluton = Guten Tag

solsido = run, gallop, race, runner = kuri,  vetkuri, kuranto = laufen 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Faresimi - Lesson 1 in Solresol




faresimi          doredosolmi
doredosolmi   faresimi

faresimi re doredosolmi
doredosolmi re faresimi

faresimi = ********
re = **
doredosolmi = **********

******** ** **********.
********** ** ********.
Read the Solresol sentences. Can you understand them? Each of the 7 possible Solresol syllables has a corresponding color. Can you read the words and sentences in just colors?

Solresol = English = Esperanto = Deutsch
faresimi = cat = kato = Katze
doredosolmi = mouse = muso = Maus
re = and = kaj = und

Friday, December 7, 2018

this Solresol thing

Solresol is a conlang which is dated to 1866. The words consist of syllables which are also notes of the scale. And colors.

Here is a Solresol dictionary.

This graphic illustrates the colors, musical notes and symbols associated with Solresol syllables.

Solresol = Solresol, language
la = the
ti = yes, agreed

faretimi = cat
faretire = dog

The words are highlighted with the associated colors.