Saturday, December 15, 2018

Solresol in Numbers - Lesson 4

Solresol words consist of the 7 syllables of the do-re-mi— the syllables many people are taught to use to sing musical notes. Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do. In normal spoken or written Solresol, we use these syllables. As in ‘faresimi’ or ‘sifafa.’ 

We can also use Solresol by replacing the 7 syllables of the do-re-mi with colors, numbers, musical notes, hand signs or symbols. This lesson is concerned with the use of numbers, and giving practice in using number Solresol.

Here are some of our beginner words in normal Solresol and number Solresol.

faresimi = 4273
doredosolmi = 12153
la = 6
re = 2

6 4273. 6 12153.
6 4273 2 6 12153.

La faresimi. La doredosolmi.
La faresimi re la doredosolmi.

simi = 73
sifafa = 744
simimi = 733

73, 4273! 73, 12153!
73, 744! 73, 733!

Simi, faresimi! Simi, doredosolmi!
Simi, sifafa! Simi, simimi!

Exercise: Practice writing all the Solresol words you know in Number Solresol. Say the appropriate syllable— do, re, mi— as you write the corresponding number.

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This is a respectable blog. Don't cuss. Except maybe in Solresol?