Sunday, December 9, 2018

Faresimi - Lesson 1 in Solresol




faresimi          doredosolmi
doredosolmi   faresimi

faresimi re doredosolmi
doredosolmi re faresimi

faresimi = ********
re = **
doredosolmi = **********

******** ** **********.
********** ** ********.
Read the Solresol sentences. Can you understand them? Each of the 7 possible Solresol syllables has a corresponding color. Can you read the words and sentences in just colors?

Solresol = English = Esperanto = Deutsch
faresimi = cat = kato = Katze
doredosolmi = mouse = muso = Maus
re = and = kaj = und

1 comment:

  1. Do you know about shape note singing ( fasola and doremi )? I would absolutely love to find a Solresol lyric I could pair with a shape note tune! Keep up the good work, and post any good lyrics! Solsi!


This is a respectable blog. Don't cuss. Except maybe in Solresol?