I had been searching about looking for a translation of the Our Father into Solresol. I found it at the Searching for Sudre blog. There are notes there about the translation. It was made from the modern French version of the Our Father. Which is OK since we probably don't have any good Koine Greek scholars who know Solresol and could translate from the original.
1. Resol REsidosi, mire faremi FA SIlalla*
2. Mire remi REsisolre faremi sisi dosolsi
3. Mire remi SIremila dosolfala
4. Mire remi FAsifa faremi sisi fasolla
5. Mimiresi la DOdore mimiremi FA SIlala*
6. Solsol remila fa dorre lare resol DOlafala doREmi
7. Solsol sollami fa dorre resol MIresiffa
8. Mimiremi dorre sollami midosolsol fa fammi mire dodo miresifa dorre
9. Re do solsol misimisol dorre fa la DOsolmimi
10. Mimidore solsol dolasolsol dorre lasi solmi
I asked about this translation at the Solresol group on Facebook
Shido Morozof said:
This translation is good. Capitalization has two meanings: 1) mark of note accent for new part of speech; 2) mark of doubling for note. Example of 1st use: REsidosi (father, 1st verse). Accent on 1 syllable means, that this word is noun (and not adjective "father's", "paternal", like resiDOsi). However the correct variant is another (reSIdosi), because:
rêsidosi – paternity, fatherhood (abstract noun)
resîdosi – father (noun for person)
residôsi – father's (adjective)
residosî – fatherly, likewise father (adverb)
(Solresolists of XIXth century used diacritics, not capitalization for accentuation.)
And it is easy to imagine verb without accentuation of syllables, residosi (to be a father).
In classical Solresol anyone can write DO instead of dodo (Past Tense), SOL instead of solsol (imperative), but this translation does not demonstrate such usage.
And capitalized "FA" in this text is used instead of English "on". Such usage is disputable, so translator marked doubts by capitalization.
So, a very educational reply! I am posting it so more folks can benefit, and also so I can more easily find it myself.
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This is a respectable blog. Don't cuss. Except maybe in Solresol?